If you still have either of the above two mics around I would suggest you create a new profile with one of them and use it in a quiet setting doing your best to enunciate carefully. The two important things are to enunciate clearly and to speak in either phrases or complete sentences. Although a good microphone can boost your accuracy slightly, the most critical determinant of accuracy is the way you speak.Although Dragon offers you the option of "skip training" when you set up a new user profile, it is definitely beneficial to perform the recommended 6 minutes or so of training.If you are serous about using speech recognition I would suggest you troubleshoot the overall process. If neither of these worked, I would not expect another microphone to offer anything better. Should I try a better microphone? If you were getting terrible results when using two separate microphones, there was something seriously wrong with your set-up and way beyond an issue related to microphone characteristics or quality. I have tried a couple of microphones with Dragon and my accuracy is terrible. If the CPU usage is high, consider stopping some programs or processes that are consuming your processor capacity. Look for other programs that might be using up your RAM (press Ctrl + Alt + Del, click on "start task manager", click on the processes tab and see how much of your CPU is being used (ideally it should be under 20% or so).Restart Dragon and if this doesn't help, restart your computer.Be sure there is no obvious static or other sign of audio trouble when listening to your recorded speech. Re-run the audio set-up wizard and upon completion of the second phase (quality check) click on the "play" button to hear your recording.We recommend you follow a few steps, including: What should I do? A sudden drop in accuracy is obviously a sign of trouble. Learn more about optimizing accuracy using the links below. It is critical that you enunciate carefully and speaking in a flowing manner (sentences or phrases). Although many factors impact your accuracy, including dictation style, hardware (both microphone and PC), and freedom from external noise, far and away the most important factor is how you speak. How do I optimize accuracy when using Dragon? The "holy grail" of speech recognition software is high levels of accuracy. So rather than leaving you to swim the confusing territory of on-line forums or Nuance support, we thought it would be helpful to provide a place in which the most common issues are distilled and presented to you. Whether it be a troubleshooting a software or microphone issue or simply a "how do I" kind of question, we have found that certain topics keep arising. Dragon Support and Troubleshooting Tutorials